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Trails, tales and ales - Olivia Garrod Sports Psychologist

  • Church Farm Brewery, CV35 8QL CV35 8QL (map)

What’s Trails, tales and ales then?

Wonderful for starters! The idea is simple. An evening of running, talking about running, a couple of beers and some amazing takeaway! The real event (what you’re paying for!) is the talk with some beers. However if people want to opt in for a social run around some local trails beforehand we’ll sort that out too!

Those who want to run can head off at 17:30 for a run otherwise the bar opens at 18:00 and we’ll be back for 18:30. So join us then if you don’t fancy a leg stretcher beforehand! We’ll grab some food and drinks and then Olivia will chat with us about how to get our brains to work for us not against us.

This evening is meant to follow on perfectly from our webinar “Mind Over Mileage” series. You don’t have to have joined any sessions for it to be valuable and conversely, if you joined all 3 there will definitely be new things to take away or have reinforced from a different perspective.

You can then either head home or sit and have a few more beers until Church Farm shut down for the evening at around 21:30.

What do I need for the social run?

We’ll meet at Church Farm Brewery at 17:15 ready to start running at 17:30. We’ll likely set off in 2 or 3 groups with the intention of running for about 45-60 mins across the local trails and pathways at a social pace. Probably a shorter loop of 4 miles and a longer one at 6 for the quicker people. It’s very social though, no winners here (you just sprint the last 100m to be first to the bar!). There are lots of chances to “double back” etc. so as long as you’re moving you’re not to slow!

We towel ourselves off (baby wipe shower?), change your trainers, grab a pint and place an order for some food (if you want) and sit and listen to Olivia chat for about an hour.

Who is Olivia Garrod?

Olivia is a Sport and Exercise Psychologist… oh and a runner! Olivia supports athletes and exercisers to work with their brains not against them. As an endurance runner, she understands the specific psychological challenges of running (from personal experience) and, as a psychologist, she understands the techniques that can help.

Olivia holds a Master's Degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology and a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Loughborough University. Currently, Olivia is 'in-training', undertaking her supervised practice with The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences towards HCPC registration.

Olivia is the current Sport Psychologist for Loughborough lightning Wheelchair Basketball, a women's premier league team. She also works as a practitioner within England Touch Rugby, supporting the team in their preparations for tournaments, including both the Euros and World Cup.

Within her private practice, Olivia works with both athletes and exercisers from recreational to elite level, providing personalised, 1-1 support. Olivia also supports parents to help their children navigate the psychological challenges of being a young athlete. Outside of being a practitioner, Olivia is also a researcher, dedicated to furthering the understanding, and practice, of child and adult safeguarding in sport

If I want to join you for the social run how fast do I need to be?

It’s not a race. There are no prizes for getting back to the farm first (except to be first in the queue for the bar!). We’ll ask you what you current 10K time is when you enter and split the group up. Hopefully this will mean that the faster runners can go at their steady pace and the slower runners at their steady pace.

The idea of the run isn’t to tire you out! It’s not a tempo run, it’s a social run across the fields with some fellow runners. We have the option of 4 or 6 miles routes to be completed in about 45-60 minutes - as long as that sounds doable for you then we’ll have no issues! No one is getting left in a field on their own! (Unless you say you don’t like the beer!!)

What does it cost?

Tickets for the whole event cost £12.

For clarity, drinks and food are not included.

Members of the Big Bear Brigade will save 10% on their entry - if you’d like to do the same consider signing up to the Brigade here!

Where is it?

Church Farm Brewery, CV35 8QL. It is a farm just outside Warwick in a village called Budbrooke. It’s on the big farm on your left if you’re coming from Warwick Parkway station.

There is ample parking, but obviously car share and have a nominated driver so you can enjoy more than one beer!

It is easily accessible from the A46, less than 5 minutes away. Warwick Parkway train station is a short walk from the farm too (and on the run route!).

What is the run like?

We’ll circulate the routes leading up to the event. It will be at a sociable pace, the idea is for both runs to take less than 1 hour. The route takes in various trails, Warwick Racecourse, an industrial estate and fields! All the joys of British trail running!

How long will the event last?

The plan for the evening is as follows:

Optional Social Run

17:15 - arrive, say hello, get a “before” photo and be ready to run at 17:30

17:30 - those who want to run before we start head off

Trails, tales and ales “proper”

18:00 - Church Farm Tap Room opens

18:30 - return to farm and get warm/clean clothes on and get a pint in hand and order food

19:15 - sit down ready to listen to the talk

20:15 - talk finished, go home or stay and enjoy another beer and chat!

What facilities are on-site?

Church Farm Brewery have been opening up their tap room since 2020 and have expanded it even more in recent years. They know what they’re doing and it’s a great night, there are toilets, a bar and a street food vendor (Specific TBC). There will be non-alcoholic drinks available too, but the beer is genuinely spectacular!! I don’t know who will be the food vendor for the evening - but I guarantee it’ll be good!

Has the event been run before?

Yes! We’ve hosted 7 previous TTA’s (they’ve been great!)

I have enough of PowerPoint presentations at work, will the talk be boring?!

No! There will be no PowerPoint or graphs in sight! The idea is for you to sit and listen while Olivia and I talk about how to get your brain onside. Think of it as like a big pub chat or live podcast. There will of course be a chance to ask questions too if you’d like to.

What are your refund/withdrawal rules?

You can find them here

I have a question.

No problem, check out our FAQ’s

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