TrailFest FAQ

We’ve made a separate FAQ’s for the TrailFest events as they’re a little different to our normal events so there may be contradictions or conflicting information to our FAQ's for our other events. If you’re after the FAQ’s for any of our other events go here.

When is it?

All the event day info can be found on the events pages found here.

How far is it?

That’s up to you! Our TrailFest format means you can sign up to complete 10k, half marathon, marathon, 50k or 50 miles! Unlike our 6 hour challenge events you do need to decide how far you will go before you start. The exception to this is being able to stop at 50k if you have entered the 50 mile (this is true at both Salcey Forest and Cannock Chase).

Can I change my distance on the day?

Sort of! If you arrive and want to change distance you can do this on the day. There will be a fee to increase your distance but no refund if you decrease your distance. Once you start the 10k, half marathon or marathon you either finish that distance or you DNF, there are no changes of distance during the event. If however you start the 50 mile event and you decide at 50k you wish to stop you can switch and be a 50k finisher. You are ineligible for trophies/awards (although eligible for course records) regardless of your time. If you start your next lap after 50k you either complete 50 mile or DNF 50 miles. If you want to change distances before the event please email me ideally more then 21 days before the event when the personalised bibs will be ordered!

Is it point to point or laps?

Much like the vast majority of our events they are predominantly lap based, you need to check the specific event pages to find out how many for each distance. It must be said for those of you who “don’t like laps” there are many benefits to them and we never chose boring venues - I’d happily see amazing woodland a few times than an industrial estate once!

What’s the course like?

Check the event page to see all the course information. There will be videos on our YouTube channel as well.

What does my entry get me?

A great day out!

Regardless of the distance we’ll be there to look after you from start to finish. Whether you’re doing 10k or 50 miles it might not be easy but it can be enjoyable. Not “type 2” fun but actual, in-the-moment fun - why not?! There will be aid stations throughout the event. I like to think theses are some of the better ultra marathon aid stations in the country but for a 10k they’ll be like nothing anywhere else! I’m not sure fig rolls, a sandwich and cake are really necessary to complete a 10k but the option will be there! These will be spread out at different intervals depending on the venue and the distance you’re covering but will not be further than 5 miles apart, often closer. There will be full medical support, bag drop at HQ (please make this as small as possible) and all finishers will get a spectacular medal and a Big Bear drink. Don’t expect 10 000 runners, booming DJ’s and a full on Samaba band… but do expect to be looked after, treated like an individual and to be part of something special. These aren’t cookie-cutter events where we churn out finishers, that’s not what Big Bear is about.

Do I need to have run a certain distance before completing this?

Not officially. You need to be in a fit and healthy state that you expect to be able to finish within the cut-off before starting. Please don’t start knowing you’re going to have to pull out half way along. It puts unnecessary stresses on our volunteers and medical team. Enter the event and get your training in. By all means come and recce the route beforehand to get an idea of what you’re up against! Push yourself with a big challenge, but don’t be foolish and think you can wing it because some guy on Instagram did..! If the event is in the winter, train on trail in the winter, if it’s in the summer, train in the midday sun. Be prepared. Given the lapped format the ability for you to drop out safely is much higher hence no qualifying criteria but it doesn’t make 50 miles any shorter!!

Can I enter on the day?

No. Entries will close at 9am 2 days before the event if they haven’t sold out before then. The named bibs are only available to those who entered with at least 2 weeks to go (as this is when they’re ordered!). Check the event page for a specific date.

Is there mandatory kit?

For the marathon/50k/50 mile, yes. The mandatory kit isn’t to help you with your running. It is to keep you alive if you get hurt, lost or injured. Depending on the conditions leading up to the event some of these items may not be necessary but you should be prepared to have to carry them for every step, not leave them in a drop bag. We may check packs at random along the route and at the finish to ensure mandatory kit is carried. All podium finishers will have a kit check.

The minimum kit to be carried-

  • Bladder/bottles/cup for water (don’t need to be filled) - minimum of 1 x 300ml bottle

  • Fully charged mobile phone with; the RD’s phone number (07378 144671 - for emergencies only) and What 3 Words downloaded (ask if you aren't sure)

  • Survival blanket (1.4m minimum)

  • Waterproof jacket – with taped seams (*may be removed if forecast is good)

  • Head torch (to start a lap 3 hours before sunset)

Mandatory kit is not there to make your day enjoyable or help you get a good time. It is there to stop you from becoming seriously ill, or worse, if you have a big injury or fall.

For the 10k/HM

Suggested but not mandatory

  • Bladder/bottles/cup for water (don’t need to be filled)

  • Fully charged mobile phone with; the RD’s phone number (07378 144671 - for emergencies only) and What Three Words downloaded (ask if you aren't sure)

  • Survival blanket (1.4m minimum)

If you think carrying a 6g collapsible cup will impact your 10k then I’m not sure trail running is for you! The aid station that will service the 10k/HM runners will have compostable cups for water and electrolyte, however if you can carry a 6g cup and pause for 5seconds to have it filled this would be our preference as this will reduce waste - even if it is compostable energy is still used. Compostable is better but reusable is best!

Do we have sole access to the route?

No, not at all. There will be shared access across the whole route. Every step of the route is within Forestry England land but is open to the public too so there may be children, dogs, bikes or children on bikes being pulled by dogs! You need to have your wits about you.

How is the event timed?

For the ultra distance events GPS trackers are likely to be hired (I am testing their suitability to the course!). For the shorter distances we’ll be using computer based timing software. It’s not chip timing, so it' wont be accurate to the closest 10th of a second… but this is trail running, not the olympics. It’s probably a bit more accurate than parkrun and if you understood exactly how chip timing worked you’d understand it’s perfectly accurate for anything up to Olympic qualifying standard!

Where do I park?

We will send the details of this to competitors closer to race time but there will be PLENTY of parking relativly close to the start line. At Cannock Chase competitor parking is free and around a 1/2 mile walk to HQ (it’ll be sign posted). At Salcey Forest parking is in the Forestry England car park and as such is up to £8 for the day. This needs to be paid or you will get a ticket. Full details will be sent out with the event information around 5 weeks before the event.

Where are the aid stations?

Each event and each distance will vary a little. You can look on the event pages for more specific info. There will never be more than 5 miles between aid stations and generally it’s closer to 3 or 4 miles. We’ll look after you - I promise!

The routes looks great, will it definitely be this?

Hopefully. The route had been planned about 20 months before the actual event. It’s an active forest with a hugely important, richly diverse, wildlife population. If a schedule 1 bird rocks up and builds a nest in the middle of the trail, we’ll be rerouted. If trees fall on the route we may have to reroute. If Forestry England change their permissive path structures, we’ll be rerouted. I’m keen on the route and set up as advertised but it is subject to change closer to the event if nature gets in the way!

What’s at the aid station?

Food and liquids!

We will only have toilets at the HQ (start/finish) aid station - so at the end of each lap - but we’ll have fully stocked food and liquids at all aid stations on the route. We will of course have ample water, electrolyte and Coca Cola (the real stuff!!). Our choice for food is well known as being pretty great. We’ll cate for vegans, vegetarians and gluten free participants. If you have severe allergies though I’d strongly recommend carrying you’re own supplies - we do not guarantee any item is free from cross-contamination. We’ll have medical support moving along the route as well so expect to see some hi-vis and first aid kits. If you need medical attention we aim to get this to the aid stations quickly. There will either be a coffee shop or coffee van at the HQ as well, we’ll have bog-standard instant at the aid stations though!!

Where is the finish?

The same as the start! This means there is no faff with trying to get back to your car or bag or with coaches all over the place - bliss!!

What facilities are there at the start and along the way?

We’ll have aid stations along the route. The route will be sign posted with the intention you won’t need a map. There will be the necessary signs to split the different routes - you will need to pay attention! Of course it would be wise to have a phone with the .gpx of the route so if you do get lost you can get back on track but this will hopefully not be necessary. The aid stations are described above. We’ll have hot drinks at the start and finish.

Is there a bag drop?

Yes. To be clear it is not a secure baggage drop.. This area will not be manned throughout the event although it will be next to our HQ aid station. We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to your belongings.

Can I have a crew?

For the ultra distances yes, crews are important. That said you need to understand they are your responsibility. If your crew misbehave, cause parking issues, are rude to our team or others involved in the race then you will be DQ'd. We know you're a highly trained athlete and you must have your Jam Tarts at exactly the time you said but they need to act responsibly. They are just looking after you, we are looking after you and everyone else.

There are limited crew instructions for this event.

  • Stay out of the aid stations

  • Stay out of the way of all runners

  • Be respectful.

There are no areas of the route they can’t visit. All common sense stuff really. Luckily for them the forest is a beautiful place for a wander and there will be lots of opportunities for coffee!

For the shorter distances crew isn’t really necessary, but not explicitly banned - however supporters are ALWAYS welcome. We love supporters and it really adds to the event, again make sure they behave!

Can I have a pacer?

Short answer is no. Pacers are generally only involved in longer ultras or when you're running through the night. If you've got a friend or loved one who walks with you for a meter or 2 as they pass you a jaffa cake, no big deal. Want to run across the finish with your 3 year old you've made wait all day for you? Not a problem (we aren't horrid!). Want to run back 200m and help your mate get to the finish inside the cut off after you've completed your run? Hero. We would hope everyone is sensible enough to understand the difference between running with your mate for a bit and pacing. No pacing but run with your mate as you kick them up the arse!

Can I run with my dog?

Nope. No dogs are allowed at our TrailFest events. If your crew have a dog with them we ask you to make sure it is under control at all times and keeps away from the aid stations. Not all runners like dogs (and not all dogs like runners!!) so please respect this.

What if I need to stop?

Rubbish! Hopefully it’s just a bad day at the office rather than a serious injury. If it’s life threatening and you need an ambulance, call 999, then the RD. If you can’t walk then call the RD number and we will get on to our medical support to assist. If you’re able to walk get yourself to the nearest aid station, be that the next one or the one you’ve just visited. Call the RD if you are unsure.

If you have to stop you MUST inform the RD or the aid station leader. Please do not just go home with your crew as we will have to search for you as we will assume you are missing. This is unacceptable behaviour; however bad your day has been.

How easy is it to navigate?

Very! We’ll have lots of signage along the whole route, we’ll do our best to make it as clear and obvious as possible. However it's all on public rights of way an there will be lots of visitors during the day so these things can be "played with". .. downloading the gpx and visting the course beforehand are always suggested.

What medical provision will there be?

We will have Events Medical Services Ltd with us providing dedicated medical support. We take your safety very seriously and pay a lot to keep you as safe as we can. If something really bad does happen one of the most important factors is the next person on the trail. That is why having your bib with all your medical details, and the RD number, is vital and mandatory. It’s also why you carry mandatory kit, it might not save your life but if you come across a fallen runner it might save theirs.

What’s the transfer/withdrawal policy?

The withdrawal policy can be found here. The withdrawal policy for our TrailFest events is a little different to our “normal” events so do please check. I do still believe it is beyond far and much more generous than other organisers, please don’t abuse that.

Will the winner get a crown?

No. They’ll get a hand shake a jolly well done! In all seriousness, we will have our wooden awards for the winners but everyone who runs will get an awesome medal and a Big Bear drink. We are keen to celebrate the successes of everyone who crosses the line, regardless of their finish time.

My question obviously isn’t frequently asked… it’s not here!?

If you still have questions email me at