Final countdown!
I think you know the answer to that one! Not for ultras! With a few weeks left until the event it’s best to stick to the plan. If you haven’t really had a plan or it’s been curtailed by injuries you need to consider what you can realistically expect to achieve with a few weeks remaining.
Ultramarathons are serious tests of endurance. If your fitness levels are not at the requirement needed to complete the event you should seriously consider not starting. This may be past the point of getting a refund/transfer but it’s better than doing serious damage. There are always more events.
If you ramp your training up suddenly before an event you’re more likely to injure yourself than make up for the lack of training beforehand… you’ve been warned!!!
It’s getting close to event day now. You need to start sorting out when you’re going to be leaving the house, how you’re getting to the venue, what are you going to do about breakfast and all the boring bits around an event! If you have responsibilities (like children or work!) make sure you work out how you’re handling them on event day.
There is nothing worse than rushing around the day before or fretting during the event due to poorly planned arrangements. It’s a long time on your feet worrying that something at home or work isn’t being taken care of properly!
Something to look fabulous?! No that’s not what I mean of course! Working out the kit you’re planning on wearing early means you can make sure you don’t wear it the day before your event! If you’ve got some lucky pants make sure they’re clean and ready to go a few days before the event. If they’re not washed… they’ll probably not be as lucky!
Of course given the mandatory kit list there will be extra kit you need to have with you. You need to get all this in order. There won’t be anywhere on race day to get spares from so make sure you are prepared long before the day before!!
You’re in the final stretch. You’ll know if training has gone to plan or not. If you’re feeling good and the build up has been good set some lofty goals. If it’s been a bad run up to the event adjust your goals. If you’ve had a shocking build up with injuries etc it would be silly to be expecting PB’s. Rather than finish frustrated and annoyed adjust your goals accordingly.
Not every event has to be about getting quicker or going further. There can always be a goal to an event. Can I eat a Jaffa Cake on each lap? Can I have 3 flavours of crisps from the aid station? Can I do one quick lap and not get injured.
Having goals isn’t just for professionals or super-serious club runners. Having a goal for an event helps you celebrate at the end.
It’s a bit late now for overhauling your kit but if you need it and it’s broken and you’ve lost it you need to get it. Whatever it may be! It’s not the best time to be switching trainers or sports bra but if they’ve just fallen apart then you either need to repair or renew. Try to not leave it to the last minute so you can wear bits before the day itself.
The old adage of no new kit on race day is very wise…!
You’ll have been emailed the race day instructions. Where to park, when to turn up, how much is parking etc. The boring bits! However, read these thoroughly. What a waste of all that training because you didn’t read the instructions fully…
I only tell you the information you need to know but if you don’t read it your day will likely be disrupted. Not all the venues accept cards at the parking machines. Read the instructions!
I love to see the excitement of people getting set for the day. Whether you’ve done the worlds most epic ultras or it’s going to be your first ever time over marathon distance it’s great to share your experiences. It hugely helps me show the massive variety of people that come to our events too.
If you’re posting to social media don’t forget us!
I’ve tried my best to answer any questions or queries you might have here. Everything from toilets, to parking to food. It’s a bit of a read (grab a cup of tea!) but there is lots of detail in there that will hopefully help alleviate some stress’ and anxieties. I want to you to come to the event feeling ready to run/walk - not fretting about where you’re going to park!